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Our Story

                                 started making seasoning in the meat market of G & R Grocery in the mid 70’s.  He had been experimenting with different spices blended together for quiet some time, trying to get just that perfect blend.  He tried it out on his family and friends and of course everyone loved it.  He would season meat for local clubs and organizations for fundraisers.  Yes, they would fire up the pit at the local courthouse square and sell plates of BBQ or have steak suppers.


Everyone knew the secret was in the seasoning. (Of course G & R has the best meat market in the State of Texas!)  Bill would season the meat with his special blend and marinate it for a couple of days. Then the cooks would cook it to perfection.  People came from all around to the BBQ’s and steak suppers.  If there was any left (which there usually wasn’t) he would take it back to the meat market and sell it by the pound the next day.  After many requests from his customers, he began selling seasoned meat at the meat market.


Cancer took the life of Billy Ray in 1988 at 51 years of age.  He was a kind and gentle man that had many friends and acquaintances through his 30 plus years at G&R Grocery and Meat Market.  To fulfill his dream to market his seasoning, his family went to work and starting mixing the spices in the kitchen with a hand held mixer.  Business soon grew bigger than what the family could mix, so they now have a company that mixes, bottles, and labels it for them.  This family seasoning is now

Billy Ray Eden

In Memory of Billy Ray Eden

October 10, 1937 – November 17, 1988

Billy Ray Eden and his wife

shipped to almost every state, and even a few international customers, to be shared with friends and acquaintances.  Once you try it, you are addicted for life.  It makes his family very proud to know that they have fulfilled their Daddy’s dream.  Bill’s Seasoning is owned and operated by his wife, Faye, and her children and spouses. It is truly a family oriented business as the grandkids and great-grandkids help whenever needed.

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